PB w/ HD530 Intel > Video Card suggestion ?


rack daw specs in my signature

I’m having trouble in 32 bits (blank GUI bug)

i have found no solution to this problem to this day
only thing i haven’t tried is uninstalling Intel drivers and see what happens with windows default drivers.
EDIT : windows automatically reinstall the Intel drivers when uninstalling them…

So far i haven’t got big troubles on the x64 Cubase but i haven’t been working on big projects on it.
but opening big 32 bits project in cubase 64 make it crash, so i have to rely on 32bit for some old works
i also have Jbridge loosing some plugin settings when opening 32bit sessions in Cubase 64

So i am stuck :
can open in 32bits but a lot of plugin w/o GUI
can open in 64 but some plugin loosing settings (like an EQ i use on almost every track…)

so i was thinking of adding a new videocard :

  • 1 maybe solve my GUI bug
  • 2 maybe that will improve global computer real time performance

any sugestion ?