Pdf from Dorico open with affinity: strange behavior

After doing Print->Graphics ->PDF (color or mono), I want to edit it in Affinity.
When I open the pdf in affinity, it tells me : missing font: why? some computer


If I check replace: i obtain Chords without # and b and the tempo has no quarter:
If i uncheck the replace missing fonts
is over the value:
tempo with
What is the problem?
P.s: if I open it with acrobat reader: it’s ok

Some fonts Dorico uses may be embedded in Dorico (or app-specific locations on your computer). What surprises me, though, is that the fonts aren’t embedded in the pdf itself. Did you generate the pdf using the Graphics Export feature, or using the Save as pdf option in the regular print dialog? The latter is not recommended.
(Edit:) never mind, I didn’t read your post well, you use Graphics.

There are plenty of users on this forum that successfully edit PDFs from Dorico within Affinity products. It’s possible that Bravura Text was installed at the user level rather than the system level, which might explain why Affinity Whatever can’t access it. That might be worth investigating.

Can you assign Bravura Text as the Replacement in that dialog?

Are you on Windows or Mac?

Can you use Bravura Text in other apps?

Dorico normally installs Bravura, Academico and all its fonts at the system-level. You could check for duplicates, as computers don’t like having two copies of the same font active.

Thanks both,
I found the problem , the tempo info with the quarter must be interpreter as two element and must create two layers in Affinity:
Perhaps a problem of name declared in windows?
Because the missing font is “BravuraText” !
THE SOLUTION to be ok is to replace the missing font "BravuraText with “Bravura Text” with a space between when import the pdf:
perhaps is what @pianoleo spoke:
It’s possible that Bravura Text was installed at the user level rather than the system level,
can you explain me
best regards

Just read @benwiggy :
I have Bravura Normall and Bravura Text Normal installed:

What @pianoleo means is that on Windows when you install a font it asks you to install for current user or for all users.