Percussion (again) and Harp Glissandos

Hi Everyone,

I’ve thankfully been able to make a (mostly) smooth transition to Dorico at this point. Some of you may remember that I have an issue with condensing percussion staves (you can’t) so that I can have a centered label over my various staves as seen below.

While I’m hoping that makes its way into the next version of Dorico, I’ve run into a related issue. When writing orchestral percussion I simply want the staff name to be “Percussion (insert number)” rather than whatever instrument is playing. Ok, I can use the player name instead, problem solved. Now the issue arises when it comes to the parts. In my percussion parts I would simply like the part to be named “Percussion Score” while each staff is labeled with their respective part number as seen below.

The issue I have now is that there is no way for me to list just the numbers without also either including the full or short name of the player/part. This creates issues within the score as I either have to use full instrument names to free up the short names for numbers (yuck), or I have to use numbers and insert instrument names in Adobe after exporting to PDF.

My current solution is to change the short name to numbers, export the percussion score and then revert it back to the proper name for the score. This kind of works for now, but I would REALLY like to be able to custom name staves in the parts separately from the score.

Staff naming and grouping is probably what I miss the most about Finale. It was so flexible and simple.

My other issue is with Harp. I can’t seem to create glissandi between two notes on separate staves. So if I have C3 on the bottom staff and C6 on the top staff, I’m not able to connect them. Instead I have to put them both on the same staff (top or bottom) connect them, and then move them to the other staff with the cross staff tool. It works, but it creates blank bars and messes with rests… it feels cumbersome enough that I have a feeling I’m doing something wrong. I hope someone can help me out with this one.

Other than that I’m really loving Dorico!

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If you select the first note, then cmd (Mac) ctrl (Windows)-click the second note it works.


I will try that first thing tomorrow. I’ve tried a number of things, but I could have a setting messed up somewhere.

Maybe this could work. I used the other info field instead of the layout name.


And the full score. (not exactly what you want)


Oh, that’s an interesting idea! Thanks for coming up with a creative idea!

The groups feature isn’t exactly what I’m looking for as far as the score goes, but perhaps it’s a possible work around until Dorico adds some better staff handling features.

You could of course use a text object instead for the Percussion score list.
