Hi all, here is part 2 of my question about setting up the percussion in Dorico. I have recorded my question and explanation in a 6 minute video where I exactly explain what I have done. My English isn’t that good because I stutter, sorry for that.
The problem is that when I import a midi track ALL the different midi notes are moved to one midi note. In the video you see:
- setup the midi vet
- setup percussion map layout
- setup playing technique
- setup percussion kit
- input notes
- import midi
Link to video:
Dorico file included the the percussion map:
Percussion Kit Creation Test.dorico (621.0 KB)
Midi file:
tambourine.mid (212 Bytes)
I can’t help with this, but I would say that John Barron is doing another Discover Dorico session on percussion today, which may cover lots of useful stuff.
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Hi Cees
I got your email, but I’ll reply here in case anybody else wants to know.
The issue is that the tambourine isn’t a kit instrument so you can’t set a percussion map for the file import. You can also see this if you File > Import > MIDI and choose tambourine as the percussion map will be greyed out.
Instead, File > Import > MIDI and choose drum kit and then you can choose a percussion map and import it e.g. into a new flow. You can then edit the kit definition or copy and paste those notes onto your tambourine.
When you import this way, Dorico creates the tambourine as part of the kit.
If you create a drum set in Setup mode and then drag the midi file onto the key editor it won’t import as it doesn’t contain your tambourine definitions at that point.
Also, the tambourine you’ve created has the same noteheads for all the techniques, so when I tested this and copied and pasted the notes from the imported drum kit I just got a row of notes that all looked the same. The key editor showed the correct notes though.
Percussion Kit Creation Test.dorico (670.5 KB)