Percussion map with vst

I’m new to Dorico coming from Finale. I’m using the free trial Dorico SE to try it out before purchasing upgrade special pricing.

I want to use Addictive Drums vst.

Reading the manual again for Percussion Maps. I’m in the Percussion Maps Data window. I selected the lock, but it does not unlock the fields, so cannot enter any data in the midi note

Appreciate any help thankx :v:

I also use Addictive Drums, and have taken the simplest route which works great and requires way less work than manually mapping everything. In short you’ll want to simply use GM Midi map and set AD to work with that.

  1. Open the plugin window for AD and in the upper right corner, select the hamburger, open map window, and select the map preset for GM. Optional save this preset as your default:

ad drums set GM map

  1. Next set your corresponding drumset track using AD to percussion map: General Midi:

Because AD has so many instruments spread out across the keyboard and every kit can vary, I have found this works great and gets me up and running every time.

Further info and reading on percussion maps can be found here.

Hope that helps!

Ho @wing ,

Yeah Familiar enough with AD2 for a few years now. Yes individual mapping is a PITA.

So, for example, using GM has what we typically need. Haven’t create any notation for Dorico yet. Probably start with a drum Notation Legend and hope will answer this question: I’m assuming that Dorico knows how to map the notes, such as accidentals (accented snare or rimshots), and articulations (ghost notes) by showing the notes in percussion instruments to pick these?

Thankx for the heads up and will try this evening.

Still wondering why i cound not unlock the edit fields though :thinking:

After you fill in the boxes at the bottom, like I see you’ve done, you should just click “Apply” and the values will populate the row. The unlock button is just for editing the meta data at the top.

Hope that helps.

PS I think the percussion map editor dialog is the least intuitive in the entire program… so many times I forgot to click Apply :slight_smile:


haha yes, I personally often forget you can’t just double click and change a field that you have selected, which you can more or less in the expression map editor, but have to do it at the bottom and then re-apply… screws me up sometimes! :sweat_smile:

Yes, GM mapping works fine for me to access alternative hits. I am not totally sure what you are used to seeing or expecting to see, but with Dorico and a drum set you can toggle through common alternate sounds (such as rimshots etc) with any note selected and tapping shift+opt/alt+up and down arrows. Other times this might be mapped across the staff separately. I don’t have this in front of me but I can say I’ve been able to easily access various sounds from AD so I’m not stuck with only basic hits. Hope that helps.

@derAbgang. thank You!!

@wing ok thankx. I was contemplating grabbing AD2 Modern Jazz brushes since it’s on sale 45
% off. Then i probable will have to add a new map using AD2 to map the brushes?


Hi my routing display looks different from yours. Is this because i have a trial version?

thankx again

Looks like you need to go back to Setup and add a “Drum Set (full)”, then route that new instrument to Addictive Drums. Each instrument has it’s own set of traits and Drums are unpitched percussion. Your Voice is pitched and not percussion, hence there’s nowhere to add a percussion map.

aaah that makes sense.

sorry for silly questions. Yert another newbie learning my 3rd music notation. But i think this will be my last and enjoyable. I’m sure won’t take me long to get the hand of it.

I’m looking at the VST just to make sure it can be done. Now that i know, I can really start from the beginner tutorials and get a firm foundation

I might as well do the upgrade from finale for $149. Don’t see me wasting time creating more and more scores with Finale and MuseScore (been using that for a few years so i have many).

thankx you very much!!

Hi, I got AD2 working with GM.

Am i assuming that you still have to go into learn mode for each note? For example, open snare hit no need to learn. But rimshot, ghost note, x-stick needs to be assigned in learn mode OR is there something else I’m missing. Problem is once i go into learn mode and assign, for example, rimshot, then the snare open hit is lost and nopt also is a rimshot, etc. Therefore, the assignments are getting lost.

A little baffling how this is working.

Making progress in a couple of things.
First, instead of the GM mapping, I choose to create an AD2 mapping for a fuller kit. no problem there. I also discovered for my other question about how does Dorico know if, for example, the difference between a snare cross-stick, ghost-note and rimshot. Cresting the Map has the option for each instrument, there’s the list of Playback techniques. So that’s solved.

Also learned how to change or add to existing noteheads by editing the DrumSet in Setup, adding the note in Write, then using alt opt/shift + arrow up to get that new new head.

So all good so far… BUT

Now the biggest thing again is either with GM mapping and my AD2 mapping, applying the sound from AD2 VST using learn mode for the instrument. Instrument sounds when mapped to AD2 are correct, while for some reason the snare open hit and cross-stick take on the same sound when in learn mode. If I select snare for open hit, the cross-stick is also that sound. And vice versa. Not sure what’s going on there.

But made lots of progress learning thus far. :thinking: :v: