I noticed that the character set of “Petaluma Script” already provides many special glyphs, which allow me to create something like this:

This example was created using InDesign.
I was not able to create this in Dorico (e.g. copying via clipboard from InDesign nor entering via Unicode did work.)
Is there a way to achieve this?
Unfortunately there’s not at the moment, no, because Dorico can’t access the stylistic sets in the font, but this is something we hope to support in the future.
another way to achieve this is using the Sibelius font Reprise instead, then it is possible.
To get the example below, type: {Co

Hi Mats, thank you for the workaround!
No, the underlying Qt framework still does not provide support for OpenType features like stylistic sets, so at present we are still unable to provide support for these advanced font features.
Hmm, I always considered these markings as the little extra bonus that the original Jazz Font had to offer above the initial Sibelius Inkpen Font. And I note that the example picture of the petaluma font on the smufl page has the word “Intro” within these brackets, so there seems to be an awareness of the importance.
Actually I can use the Jazz Font. I even can use only the three bracket elements from the Jazz Font together with petaluma script, which is tedious though, as you have to manually switch between Petaluma and Jazz Font after every single character, and it is sub-optimal because the “connection line” which works using zero-width is not actually zero-width, so a little extra space is added between each character.
And unfortunately this approach would be impossible for automatic generated texts like “To Bb Clarinet”, as it is not possible to mix fonts there, so the only workaround here would be to hide the automatic text and replace it with a staff text.
how much effort would it take on your side to provide 2 stripped down versions of the Petaluma script, one where the underlined single letters (without the ligatures) are mapped to the unicode points of the regular alphabet, and one for the ones with the line above, so that for simple texts we could use them just like a regular font? The opening and closing brackets should be mapped within the unicode standard range, so they could even be included as pre- and suffix of my instrument change example.
I think this would work quite well as an interim solution.
It could certainly be done, and I wonder whether in fact the Pori fonts that are derived from Petaluma and which can be downloaded from ScoringNotees.com already do this. I don’t have any plans to do this myself in the short term (too much else to be done, I’m afraid).
Hi Daniel, thanks for pointing me to the Pori font family - they have indeed done already exactly what I was suggesting.
One tiny little request: It is possible to do exactly what I described for instrument changes: Set the paragraph style for instrument changes to Pori Rehearsal Overline and add ‘[To’ as prefix and ‘]’ as suffix, but there is one little caveat:
Dorico automatically generates a whitespace before and after the instrument name which cannot be prevented. This results in an undesired gap before the closing ornament. See the screenshot: the text on the left is generated by the instrument change, the one on the right is entered manually via the shift-x popover.

Could you please consider to remove the automatic generated whitespace around the instrument names? If needed it could be easily generated by adding it to the respective text fields by the users themselves while otoh giving flexibility for using font ornaments like the ones described.
You might put that at the end of your priority list, I just found out that you can override the automatic generated text in engrave mode by a fully individual Text on a case by case base. Anyway, in the future it would be a nice to have, and by the way, the automatically generated reminder at the start of the first passage played after the instrument change would also have to have the possibility to add pre- and suffix for the brackets.
… guess I can live with the little extra work though.