Piano - fingerings left of notehead and arpeggio lines

Dorico automatically places fingerings set to appear left of notehead inside of the arpeggio line.
I do not have enough specific experience on the matter to judge.
Could pianists here enlighten me on this practice? Is it always done like this? Can/should it be better placed outside?
If you can provide specific examples it would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much for your time!

@MicheleGalvagno It’s done both ways, and also to the right of the note and also over and under the whole chord. It depends on the situation and personal preference.

In some cases, there might be room created by an accidental, so it is tempting to insert the fingering after the arpeggio sign since there is a nice gap already there. If the accidental and a fingering are applied to the same note, then the number is best before the arpeggio sign or placed to the right of the note. I do try to keep the arpeggio sign close to the notes, so I try to place fingering before the arpeggio sign when that makes the most sense.

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Thank you John.
In this case I reproduced the original source exactly (Grieg, Peer Gynt Suite, Peters edition).

It would be nice if we could have an evolution of the “position left of notehead” option towards a “position to the side of notehead” with a choice of left and right as the guitar has.

As a personal agnostic preference, I would also put it outside of the arpeggio sign, but not to the right of the notehead.

Totally agree with all of that @MicheleGalvagno Right of the note head is the worst choice, but also occasionally necessary.

On a slightly different topic, I prefer that finger numbers sit exactly in a space, or straddle a line exactly in the middle. I use Maestro finger numbers and had to do some adjusting (with blank glyphs I think) in the Music Symbol editor to make that happen in Dorico. But apparently they are off-center with Bravura numbers too.

Do these Engraving Options not work correctly for you? (Not specifically these settings - these’ll be defaults - but adjusting these?)

@pianoleo I thought that they worked perfectly if one were using Bravura, but I noticed the off-center numbers in the example in the OP above. Perhaps Michele is not using Bravura or the settings need to be changed? Or Michele may prefer this style. Some feel that the numbers can get lost in the staff lines.

I know that the options didn’t work when I first swapped out Maestro numbers and I believe it was Daniel who helped me correct this by changing things in the Music Symbol editor. But it was quite a while ago during my demo days.

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I actually didn’t notice that, at this stage, but I do not like when the 3 straddles in the middle, it makes the central part get lost.
To get exactly the size of one stave-space, the fingering needs to be quite small, and I try not to use the factory 7 pt size. But I am a string player, we sit further from the stand and we almost never have fingerings inside the stave.

@MicheleGalvagno I know what you mean about the 3 and the 5 when they are straddling lines, but a lot depends on the font. I like the Maestro numbers because they are a bit heavier than Bravura and I feel that I can center the 3 and 5 on the lines without them becoming hard to read. For me, centering the numbers in the spaces is no issue at all. But one sees various approaches in well-engraved music. And the plate engravers were actually not that neat about it and varied quite a bit even within one publication.

As you said, reading the numbers is easier for pianists since we are closer.

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