Piano reduction for choir

Hello all,
here is an example for a choir piece for 4 voices:

How can I make a piano reduction in Dorico from those 4 separate systems with soprano and alto (stems up/down) in the upper and tenor/base (stems up/down) in the lower system? Example here (ignore the continuo):

Thanks a lot.

Hi. That would be an easy task using copy-Paste special>Paste in voice…
Soprano gets pasted in upstem voice 1 of the right hand staff. Alto is pasted in downstem voice 1 of that same staff. Tenor is pasted in upstem voice 1 of the left hand staff (and probably shifted an octave down), and bass is pasted in downstem voice 1 of that staff. Done

So just create new player, piano, and special paste it there? Everything else happens automatically?

You might need to copy the text from the soprano or the alto voice, but yes, basically, I think it’s that easy.

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