Pick up bar only in some staffs (?)

Hi, I’m trying to create a 1 beat pickup bar in a 4/4 time signature. I typed shift M in write mode, then 4/4, 1, as described in the manual.
Now I get this: some staffs seem to have the pick up bar and others don’t. And in bar 9 there seems to be one beat less on the staffs where the pick up bar was created. What is going on here, and how dow I fix it?

Hi @Jerome6, you have some local time signatures situation here that you need to correct. The faster way is if you post your Project here, and I am sure someone will give precise instruction or tips on how to proceed.

Thanks for your reply Christian, I hope you are right. So here’s the project:
New Arrangement.dorico (649,8 KB)

Like this? Yes, you created some local time signatures by holding down the option/alt while creating. I deleted those.


New Arrangement.dorico (629.4 KB)

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Beware - you also have local double barlines at each rehearsal mark (barlines in Dorico are similar to time signatures).

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Yes, that’s perfect, thanks a lot!
How did you find these local time signatures? I didn’t see any signposts.

Ok thanks, that’s good to know, I never suspected that.

If you click on a time signature, they all should turn orange. If some are not, then they are local. Just select the local ones and delete.


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Aha, I was wondering about the black vs orange time signatures… thanks!