Pitch-before-duration chord entry

Som questions about pitch-before-duration note entry (with only qwerty). I notice that if I enable chords, I can hit several note-name keys in succession to build a chord before finally hitting duration to register it. Fine so far,

However, what I can’t figure out is if there is a way to use the arrow keys (after the recent update) to arrow up and down to find the notes of the chord I want and then press some key to register each note prior to actually hitting duration to register the whole chord?

And what if I get a chord partially built and realize a note is wrong, how can I remove that note from the shadow chord in order to end up with the chord I want and then finally hit duration key to register it?

Is there a quick way to clear the shadow completely, so that if I have built up a chord and realize its not what I want, I can hit a key to get back to a single note or nothing and start over…all before hitting duration to register it? This last one seems like I have to turn off chord mode and then turn it back on again in order to reset, but maybe there is a one key-press way? Just asking.

I’m generally liking the new speedy mode improvement, but chord entry does seem a little bit tricky…and also I really wish they had provided raise and lower chromatic key options.

There isn’t at the moment, no, though we know that this is something people would like.

There isn’t any way to delete a shadow note that’s already been fixed, I’m afraid. In this situation the easiest thing is probably to turn chord mode off (by hitting “Q”) then input a new pitch, then turn chord mode back on and start building up the chord again.

thanks for the blindingly fast response!

a suggestion would be a single key which can “affix” or “unaffix” the current shadow pitch from the current chord. So basically you can arrow up and down, affixing and unaffixing pitches to it at will.

Another suggestion I have is to enable the Note Tools popover for while in pitch-before-duration shadow note mode…so that I can enter various popover note commands to quickly build chords and such to the actual shadow notes.