Pitch correction

I have Cubase ai le elements 8. Do I have Variaudio capabilities? When I click on a vocal event or section to access Pitch/Warp, only “the Hitpoints” tab appears. I want to be able to correct the pitch on individual notes, and not use to auto feature. Help!

Variaudio is pro version only.

thanks. Can I still edit or change the pitch in specific notes? Or does that require Variaudio as well?

You could split the vocal to separate events and use the fine tune in the info line.
Not sure if there is any other way in Elements.

Hey thanks alot Grim. Been using Elements for couple years, and only recently wanted to correct a couple notes of recorded slide acoustic guitar. I appreciate your help.

And you can use the "Pitch Correct"Plugin (like Autotune) in Cubase Elements - great sound, fast solution.

But yes the Infoline is great for moderate tunings! (ALT Cut, than Infoline Pitch/tune…)
