Pitchbend not working in VST3?

Hi, currently working on a VST3 port of my synth, but having trouble with
accepting MIDI input, specifically pitchbend and aftertouch.

VST3 is a SingleComponentEffect, running with latest VST3 SDK 3.7.11
I can easily repro this issue in VST3PluginTestHost, using connected a MIDI controller with pitchbend control.

I call addEventInput(STR16(“MIDI Input”), 16) on initialize and accept Event::kNoteOnEvent and Event::kNoteOffEvent just fine in process.

However, I do not recieve Event::kDataEvent and thus pitchbend (0xE0) , modwheel (0xB0) and aftertouch (0xA0) is never received.

I can repro same issue in Live 11, Live 12, Bitwiq 5, but should add that it works fine in VST2.

What could be the issue?

Have you read this?
MIDI data is not transferred via Event::kDataEvent, you need to use the IMidiMapping interface to map parameters to MIDI Control Change numbers.

Thanks so much.! :pray:
I did try IMidiMapping, but had not seen the extra MIDI controller values:

kAfterTouch = 128, ///< After Touch (associated to Channel Pressure)
kPitchBend  = 129, ///< Pitch Bend Change

Makes sense now.