
How do you handle the placeholders, e.g. {@flowTitle@} that appear when you double click on the title and other header text? I can’t see any reference to this in the Help files. And how do you get more than one line in the copyright notice placed at the foot of the page?

You might find this thread helpful.

If you have carriage returns in the copyright entry in Project Info, those carriage returns will be faithfully reproduced when the {@flowCopyright@} token is substituted.

Thanks, I’ve got it now :slight_smile:

Is the url still valid? It leads me to some update page and I‘m not sure how to navigate it

EDIT: Ah, I found this page

Note that the URL has “dorico/v2”, which means it’s for version 2. Google and other search engines list the pages with the most hits first, and the older help pages have gathered more hits over the years.

If you go from “Dorico Help” in the Help menu, you’ll always get the current version.