Play back current chord in Key Editor using the KEYBOARD

Hello everyone,

is there a way to play back the currently selected chord (the one the white main playhead or the blue Step Editor playhead is at) in the Key Editor, using a keyboard key? (either on the computer keyboard or the attached MIDI keyboard).

No, I don’t want to use the mouse for this in any way, unless the playback function is mapped to a fixed button or something that I can reliably OCR with Autohotkey and create a keyboard macro for the mouse click.

I see there is some kind of additional interface for MIDI controller ↔ Cubase function mappings (no idea why this can’t just be done in the normal hotkey editor?) – unfortunately I can’t full text search all Cubase functions in there, so maybe there is some kind of way to select an appropriate function in the MIDI Controller mappings dialog?

Thanks for any replies in advance!

I don’t know which version of Cubase you use but a quick glance into the manual will answer your question easily.

I marked the button that you need to click, in case you want to set up your own key range. This is Cubase 13.

the one the white main playhead or the blue Step Editor playhead is at

I meant in MIDI Step Editor primarily, NOT to select a predefined chord or play back a selected pre defined chord.

I don’t see a playhead in your Screenshot. I want to move the Playhead with the b and n keys, and play back the chord present at that point in time on the timeline. E.g. play all keys at once.

I’m using Cubase Artist 13, but would be willing to switch to 12 if it’s possible there.

Sorry, I misunderstood your question.
There is no such functionality in Cubase as far as I know. You can select the notes and then hit Alt+Space (Mac: Opt+Space) in order to play back the notes but that’s about it.