Play window badly rendered on 2-screens mac

Hello all,

I’m using an M1 MacBook Pro (macOS Ventura 13.6) with a secondary screen attached. The native screen is kept to 2056×1329 resolution, while the external, large monitor is set to 3840×2160.

Normally I run Dorico version (Jul 5 2023) on the external large screen, while the native screen is used for accessory windows, like a second Dorico one in play mode.

When I save my project with the 2 windows opened and I reload it in a later moment that is how the play window is displayed:

Resizing even of a single pixel the window will restore its right rendition:

Please fell free to contact me if you need further information.


Playing Dorico on multiple screens, especially if their resolutions differ, can lead to difficulties of various sorts.

Yes, we’re aware of this problem, which occurs when you have multiple displays with different pixel densities. It’s a new problem in the latest version of Qt. We hope that they will fix it in an update, but if they don’t, we will eventually fix it for ourselves.

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