Playback distortion in Cubase 14 Elements

I have newly downloaded Cubase 14 Elements and connected my old Alesis i0|2 and although I can record audio the playback is totally distorted. Any ideas that might help? The only drivers that come up are the built in ASIO or the generic low latency and both distort the output audio. Help!

please download the audiointerface’s ASIO driver here if you have not already done so

Have you checked if the input gain of your audiointerface is set too high?

Hi Reco, Many thanks indeed for your kind reply. I followed the link but the page says the interface is discontinued and there doesn’t appear to be a link to download the driver. Do you know how I might be able to download this please?


If there is no dedicated driver, use ASIO4ALL, please.

Hi Martin, Thank you for your reply. Is there a cost associated with ASIO4ALL as there seems to be a lot of extensions with a required subscription? I only wish to have a driver for my Alesis i0|2 so I can get into my new Cubase 14 Elements

ASIO4ALL is free, you do not need any extensions :slight_smile:

Hi Reco
After a lot of frustrations with the actual ASIO site trying to download support extensions I downloaded it via another site and I am delighted to report that I even managed to make a very rough double tracked recording today so thank you both for making this 70+ year old a happy man. I was okay with tape recorders and then the world started to change…thanks again, assistance from you and Martin has been much appreciated and saves me resorting to Audacity which used following the demise of tape!

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