Can someone help me indentify what is on the picture and how to notate it in Dorico. It is notated in bass clef in a piano grand staff. Thank You.
It’s a tremolo. You will find it under the Repeats panel. (Because it’s repeating two notes!)
You will find settings to configure the exact style in Engraving Options.
Thank you.
I can’t figure out how to notate the values shown on the picture.
Did you see my follow-up? You’ll need to set the style in Engraving Options to “All lines join stems”.
I’ve done that but that didn’t change a thing in the notation. I don’t know which notevalue to start with?
Start with 2 dotted quarter notes
(Off the top of my head, not able to check RN:) It may be necessary to force the durations to actually display two dotted quarters first. It doesn’t work with tied notes, which often appear by default in a regular ¾ metre, depending on your settings.
This same question gets asked several times every year.
I took a survey of threads last April and found over 30.