Playing techniques with parenthesis, tempo equations with borders


I would love to be able to parenthesize “Playing techniques” (for instance a pizzicato reminder at a turn of a page), and be able to add pre-fixes (for instance, to create extra techniques on the go, like “poco” + “sul pont.”, “molto” + “spicc.”).

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As a bonus feature request: how about adding borders for metric modulations (“tempo equations”) – those end up pretty buried in scores.

Playing techniques could also benefit from that perhaps.

You may create boxed metric modulations with system-attached text (Shift+Alt/Option+X); this will also enable you to use a special font such as MusGlyphs or Metrico to type in more detailed metric modulations than Dorico’s native feature would allow.

I agree with your “parenthesize/prefix” idea concerning (text based) playing techniques: it’s very useful at times to have parenthesized variations, and hence I’ve created those as copies of playing techniques, e.g. “(pizz.)”. But if the Properties dialog would have also a “Prefix” field for those, it would solve both issues: prefixes would be either whole words/attributes, or they could be used with suffixes to parenthesize the PT’s: ( and ), respectively.