Please create a Project filetype conversion tool before the eLicense retires

Right now a bunch of folks have Cubase 3 installed for the sole purpose of converting older Projects into .cpr files. The move to the new licensing and the coming retirement of the eLicense are making this approach less and less viable.

Steinberg should make a simple utility that takes an .all or .arr file and spits out a .cpr file.


Another option would be for Steinberg to publish the format of .all, .arr and SX-era .cpr files so that the open source community could develop such a utility.


that’s a great idea.

Even if Steinberg don’t want to publish the current .cpr format (for whatever reason), perhaps they would publish the .all and .arr formats to enable the open source community to develop a converter to .dawproject?

That would at least enable the recovery of archived pre-SX material without the dependency on the hardware USB-eLicenser, and loaded directly into Cubase as of version 14, which adds .dawproject support.

There are also those of us with .ALL and .ARR files who can’t run SE3 on their computers, so we have no way at all of converting those files.