I’ve been struggling to get a successful Project Logical Editor preset to do this:
- show only tracks with events on them (midi and audio)
- hide all group tracks including fx groups and VSTi (that has no data)
- hide all folder tracks, but not tracks inside them if they have data
- No hiding of anything in the upper track list section
So I get a clean view of just midi and audio tracks that have events, with the upper section intact.
All my midi is on midi tracks, not on the instrument tracks so I dont need to see those. Its a big template with 3500+ tracks with VEP servers. I want it to be controlled by a midi remote button which I know how to do once its a Logical preset. So far I dont see this possible with Visibility snapshots.
So far all the commands I have found cant achieve all 1-4
I can have the tracks I want to keep in the upper section in a folder and that has helped. But I’m still not nailing it.