Hello, so after 6 months of working on Cubase with audio droppout, my windows just died (blue screen + corrupted installation)
So with the help of a techy friend, I did a fresh windows install, I fixed all the potential issues (non empty internal ssd when installing, borrowed a gtx 1060 with studio drivers instead of my gt 730…)
So here is the latency moon test result. As you can see, it failed the test, so for now I am reinstalling everything and did not bother doing a stress test in cubase directly but I suspect I’ll be having the same issues probably
audio card is RME Babyface pro fs
This is on a fresh install, bios is updated to one of the latest (already have the intel fix for the 14th gen), I did not touch any settings for the cpu, this is vanilla settings (no xmp, no core parking etc).
Looks like your GPU is having difficulty responding to interrupts(>7ms). This should be <1ms.
Did you try the '1060 in the same slot as the '730 ? If yes, try another slot if possible.
Your mobo could be limiting the GPU from using the full bus width.
You could get your tech savvy friend to :
look at your mobo manual and check the PCIe width for slot used by the GPU.
help you find any possible interrupt conflicts involving the GPU.
Maybe I’m missing something here but the report says that the Nvidia driver is producing the highest DPC latency @ 486 us, which is well within range of acceptable operation. ISRs are also low @ 265 us.
The problem number is Interrupt to Process Latency which comes in at 7.8 ms. Read the description under the heading ‘Measured Interrupt to User Process Latencies’ to see what it’s measuring. This is a usermode process spawned by Latencymon itself to get a general measurement of the time it takes for a process to return to active state after an interrupt is completed. @bensmir.hbs , I’ve seen this behaviour on several Intel hybrid core machines that I’ve built over the last three years.
There are two things I’d recommend:
If you haven’t done it yet, make sure you’re running on ultimate power settings in Windows and ensure that you have disabled USB selective suspend and link- state power management on the PCIe bus. Also set your wireless adapter (if you use one) to maximum performance.
Download and install Bitsum Parkcontrol (it’s free) and turn off core parking for all cores.
When you’ve done that, run Latencymon again.