There is no problem with the audio interface and microphone that doesn’t pick up sounds above 10khz when recording audio and cuts out (Voice Memos and GarageBand work fine).
What is this picture showing us? Is this an Input Channel or an Audio Track with a recording, or…?
You seem to have the same thing happening below 100 Hz. I’d be suspicious of unwanted processing at the Input. Kind of unusual that it suddenly flat-lines which seems to imply (never say never) it is not caused EQ which I’d expect would produce a more gradual transition.
Yes, can you take a screenshot of the Channel Settings Window for whatever Input you are using. Also, I’m not a Mac user but I’m pretty sure you’ve got an app that lets you capture screenshots to post rather than using a photo. These are easier to see what’s happening.
Also what happens if bypass the EQ in your first pic?
Thanks, wanted to confirm nothing unwanted was happening on the Input.
I’d recommend disabling all the EQs and using the Channel Settings Equalizer tab to see the audio curve.
What happens if you disable Revelation?
You might try sticking the Test Tone Generator on the top Insert slot of the Input Channel. Set it to White Noise and see what that looks like on your Track.