Please! Make option to change default EQ to 3rd party vst EQ

This would be huge and many people would love this! Please read developers!

I’m a film tv composer in Los Angeles, and long time and very advanced Cubase user.

Please make option to be able to switch the default Cubase EQ with a third party EQ as the BUILT-IN EQ that opens with every track and show the GUI of that plugin in place of the Steinberg EQ everytime you click on ‘edit channel settings.’

FOR EXAMPLE… In File>Preferences> I’d be able to set DMG’s Equilibrium plugin as my default EQ plugin. Now I start a new cubase project, add audio track. I click ‘Edit Channel Settings’ and instead of the cubase EQ in that middle box, it’s DMG Equilibrium with the plugin’s GUI already open ready to edit. This would save me and I believe many many other users monumental amounts of time loading the same EQ on every track. And would be like changing your virtual console.