Please oh please give us that VERB!

That shimmer reverb in Cubase (and I assume also the one recently added to the Montage M) is nothing short of epic DSP.

I sure hope it gets added to Halion in a MUCH NEEDED update.


Horrible: Apple Silicon with Logic. Broken for ages. This needs to be fixed. Crashes galore. Cubase is better…but it will poof your daw. On multiple machines.

Annoying: The GUI (again on Apple Silicon…I can’t vouch for you PC miscreants :face_with_tears_of_joy:) it’s hard to grab the sends sliders. Like almost impossible. Weird GUI stuff too.

Really?: The PROGRAM TREE is broken and needs to be fixed. Sometimes you can’t delete layers. Sometimes if you are using the arrow key to navigate it-JUMP and you’re on another track in your DAW!

Hopefully we get some treats and fixes soon!