PNG images not showing in VSTGUI4

I am trying to create the GUI with the editor for my first plugin, but I can not see any PNG in any control (I tried with CAnimKnob and CControl) in the screen.
The PNGs seem to be correct, and also the animated PNG has been created with KnobMan.
Here I show my code here, maybe someone can help me.
Thanks in advance.

	"vstgui-ui-description": {
		"version": "1",
		"bitmaps": {
			"handle_bitmap": {
				"path": "handle-bitmap.png"
			"background_empty": {
				"path": "background_empty.png"
			"knobLogic": {
				"path": "knob_web.png"
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			"Logic 01": "#00334eff",
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			"DelayTime": "11",
			"Feedback": "12",
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			"Lo-Pass": "14",
			"Mix": "13",
			"TestParam": "15"
		"custom": {
			"FocusDrawing": {},
			"VST3Editor": {
				"Path": "D:\\PROGRAMACION\\VS2022\\Basic_Gain\\Basic_Gain\\resource\\editor.uidesc"
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				"Grids": "1x 1,5x 5,10x 10,12x 12,15x 15"
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					"CKnob": {
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							"angle-range": "270",
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							"class": "CKnob",
							"control-tag": "DelayTime",
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					"CAnimKnob": {
						"attributes": {
							"angle-range": "270",
							"angle-start": "135",
							"bitmap": "knobLogic",
							"class": "CAnimKnob",
							"control-tag": "Mix",
							"height-of-one-image": "128",
							"inverse-bitmap": "false",
							"knob-range": "200",
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							"origin": "40, 70",
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							"wheel-inc-value": "0.01",
							"zoom-factor": "1.5"
					"CControl": {
						"attributes": {
							"bitmap": "knobLogic",
							"class": "CControl",
							"control-tag": "Lo-Pass",
							"opacity": "1",
							"origin": "210, 90",
							"size": "40, 40",
							"transparent": "false",
							"wants-focus": "false",
							"wheel-inc-value": "0.1"

OK, I found the problem, I need to use absolute paths to the bitmaps, here, like this:

	"vstgui-ui-description": {
		"version": "1",
		"bitmaps": {
			"handle_bitmap": {
				"path": "handle-bitmap.png"
			"background_empty": {
				"path": "background_empty.png"
			"knobLogic": {
				"path": "D:/PROGRAMACION/VS2022/Basic_Gain/Basic_Gain/resource/knob.png"

By the way…Is there a way to, with the editor, resize the PNG showd on the screen?

I think the bitmaps must be relative to your .uidesc file, or better turn on storing the bitmaps inside the .uidesc file. Having them stored absolute will give you problems when you want to run the plug-in on another computer.

No, this is not supported out of the box. What’s your use-case?