Possible Bug as Steinberg Hub does Not Remove Projects

Here in Windows 10, Project Hub (Steinberg Hub) does not remove the existing projects when clicking "Remove from list’'.

Anyone else facing this?

Probably this reported problem I suppose: ‘Remove from list’

Probably. Looks like it.

Definitely happening here. Annoying!


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I’ll add to the chorus. Happening here too. I found a scorched earth solution on another thread by manually editing a preference file . It resets a few additional things in addition to clearing the list. It’s a blunt force solution at best. We need this fixed.


It’s sure annoying, but if the file in the list doesn’t actually exist, an attempt to open it will generate an error asking if you want to delete the entry, still tedious, but imo, better that deleting or editing Default.xml, unless you like that sort of thing. heh.

Yeah, back in the early Nuendo days, pre-Hub, when this was a similar issue through a couple of versions, I made a pointer to the relevant Library file for easy editing. Back then it didn’t mess up any other prefs; maybe this has changed. In any case, here’s to this annoyance being fixed in the next iteration.


That’s what happened to me. I bought a new M.2. drive to replaced an older SSD and moved my files to it before clearing the list. My OCD couldn’t deal with the non-existent locations.


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The workaround is the same as it was back then…

Search for the “GRecentDocuments” entry in the Default.xml (in the AppData Folder)… And remove the projects you want out of that section… 10 lines pr project starting with “item” ending with “/item” encompassing the song title in question.

PS. Please take a backup of the Default.xml if this is the first time you try this method, or are a bit uncertain about it.

Yeah, I know, thanks. Been there, done that, and am confident that they’re going to fix it… again. In the meantime, I’m just living with it. Life’s too short.
