Possible to cancel pre-order of C6 Upgrade?

Trying to find out if there is a way to cancel my pre-order of the upgrade. I can’t even find a way to view my order on MySteinberg, let alone cancel it.

Hello wsp,

The online shop is managed by asknet. On the email with the order confirmation you should find a contact email adress. Simply send an email to asknet asking if it is possible to cancel your order.

Hi wsp -

Are you able to tell us why you’re cancelling?

Hope it wasn’t something we said. :slight_smile:

Why are you canceling it?? :confused: Way better than C5 and even makes it look very old. Once opened it and was like “OH MY GOD”. Well, the looks isn’t that important, but C6 is as good as a DAW as they come. Think about it twice. I warmly recommend you NOT cancelling it.