Possible to Erase/Split Ties?

I’m currently trying to typeset a Debussy piece, Hommage à Rammeau. A few times in the piece (e.g: Bar 25), the tied notes are split, as seen below, in order to allow the other voices to be clearly read.

Is it possible to replicate this in Dorico? At the moment, the ties simply obscure the notes in the other voice - thanks in advance!

Did you try to select the ties and press f (flip)?
Might need to do it in Engrave mode.


Flipping them doesn’t help, no - I need to somehow shorten the tie at both ends!

You mean the 2:nd bar top staff?


Maybe L.V ties


I thought of that, except I don’t know that there’s a way to reverse them (for the crotchet)

You can move them backwards in engrave mode so that they are before the notes they are attached to.

Yes moved them in Engrave mode


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Or you can put a hidden chord in the last 8-note of bar two, possibly in another voice and tie from that.


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Okay, will do that. Thanks everyone!

Looks like this


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