Possible to have hidden notation (for playback)?


I am have harp part, and for a few measures I have a bisbigliando between E natural and Fb. I am using a VSL harp library with a great bisbigliando sound - it plays back perfectly if I just hold one note. But when I enter the E-Fb as a tremolo in Dorico, it wrecks the playback.

Is there a way for me to have the single note notated and hidden, so that generates the playback, and then have the visual score show it the way it needs to be (the two notes as a tremolo?)

Back in my Finale days (25 long years!) I would just have a hidden layer generate the playback, and then turn off the playback for the visible layer. Is there an equivalent here?

I’ve never really used this, but I’m pretty sure if you add a stave, input your single note, then remove the stave, the music stays even though the stave disappears. You would then suppress playback (bottom panel) on the properly-notated bisb.

I’m not 100% sure if the extra stave remains hidden in the part layout, and unfortunately can’t check right now.

Away from my rig and could be wrong, but another possibility in this context might be to point “tremolo” to your bisb samples in your xMap, and make sure the playback options are set to prefer samples rather than auto-generated (sorry, can’t remember the exact terminology)?

You can actually create an extra staff, use that, and delete it afterwards. It won’t actually delete the music. Or — and I admit I’m not too sure off the top of my head without trying — you might get away with muting the F and adjusting the E’s end offset in the Properties.

Hmm… ok - some interesting options here! will play around and see what works.

Wow - yes! It worked. I entered the notation exactly as I wanted it in the main staff, then added a staff and put the single e. note - in Play I arranged the key switch to bisbig. via a controller. When I heard that playback was working, I just highlighted the extra staff and chose “remove staff” and voila - I was left with the correctly notated bisbig., but the properly-played one remained as well!
Thanks for this!!

Just FYI, schnootre … in case you’re falling in love with this ‘trick’ … it only works on solo players. You can’t add staves to section players, since there divisi is an option. So if you ever wanted to employ a similar trick in the context of strings, you’d have to ‘fake it’ with solo players hooked up to section samples.

That said, have fun :sunglasses:

Not really: deleting a divisi that was in place will, similarly, not delete the music that was input in that staff.

Aha, okay. Then all one has to do is remember to use “change divisi” instead of “add staff”; cool!

Another way of doing it is create another player, leaving it out of the score layout (for printing purposes), and creating another score layout just for playback. This way you can modify easily and keep adding or removing throughout your work without the hassle of adding a new staff and then removing it, time and time again.

Once you have deleted the staff with the key switch note, how do you then get the staff back again if you want to edit the key switch note? This is an issue I am trying to figure out…I would dearly love just to be able to ‘hide’ notes…You can add a key switch note on your regular instrument staff, color it white, scale it, remove the stem etc…this is not ideal. Simply hiding a note would be immensely useful…Or being able to hide a staff with music on it, but still have it play back.
shnootre…The other way that I use with VSL in particular, is to create a custom ‘playing technique’ which is then used in the expression map for your harp. This can be used to trigger your articulation, meanwhile ‘surpressing playback’ on the visible note as you are doing…Playing techniques can be hidden.

Add the staff back again. I concede it’s not ideal.