Possible to setup to always add an insert upon creating a track

I want to have 3 inserts, disabled, and at the bottom of the insert list, always added to everything I create… Instrument track, audio track, group, fx etc. Is this possible? Some script maybe? Hacking some files?

I can think of two ways of doing this:

  1. Create empty track presets for instruments, etc, i.e. with no vst instrument loaded, but having in its channel settings the inserts you want. You can then load these track presets and choose the instrument or fx afterwards and

  2. Create an FX chain preset, containing the inserts you want. You can then load this chain for each instance you have. This process can be almost automated, in the sense that you will still have to use a shortcut after the track creation, by using an external utility to handle a) opening the channel settings window, b) clicking the Preset Management button, c) clicking the Load FX Chain Preset, d) type in the mediaBay search field the name of the preset and e) clicking on the preset.

I think that option 1 is the most straight forward and simple obviously.

  1. no that doesn’t work for me unfortunately. As I want to be able to just open an instrument directly and the inserts would be there. Or drag and drop an audio file and it will be there.

  2. I already do this… (load insert preset, that is.
    Not sure what external utility and all that other stuff means)

Another way to formulate what I’m looking for is instead of loading blank insert slots on every new track, instead load an insert preset.

Just the same way you can select to have a preset saved as default every time you open a plugin

But this is how loading an instrument from a preset works. You can even save multiple instruments as a single preset. eg I have 6 instances of a guitar sample library, 3 of MusicLabs Rickenbacker and 3 of their Les Paul, each with different amps fx and fx sends.

No… You’re misunderstanding me. I thought I was clear but obviously not :frowning: not sure how else to explain it tbh.
I know how track presets work. And that’s not what I’m looking for at all.

Isn’t this in my second recommendation? (Saving and loading FX Chain Presets). Maybe I’m missing something.


EDIT: I’ve just seen that you already use fx chains. Please, tag the person you’re replying to or click on the “Reply” button at the bottom of his/her post, otherwise we need to read the whole thread, and that can lead to such misunderstandings and not proper suggestions. Most of the time, if not tagged, we don’t even know a reply is there :slight_smile:

Anyway, I think you want a direct approach, which unfortunately is not there yet, since I don’t see an FX Chain Save as default option.So I would suggest that you add the “feature-request” tag to your thread.

As far as I know there is no way to change the default plugins loaded when creating a new track (default is always empty). This setting seems to be part of the cubase.exe and not an .xml file in the preferences folder.

Track presets or FX chains are the closest thing.

Thanks all for the replies. I suspected it was not possible to do this.