Possibly ambiguous divisi marking after solos – any suggestions?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to figure out how the divisi work in Dorico and noticed the following:

–In the first bar of the part (just a try-out, see below) there are two solo violins (grouped together) and the rest of the section (gli altri). This should be very clear for the musicians.

–Later (bar 13) I wanted to try out what happens if I move the two soloist on one stave so I assigned a new divisi and labeled the staves as 2 soli and gli altri. This is also clear and quite easily done with Dorico’s divisi tool.

–A few bars later, however, when I want to have a “normal” divisi, Dorico labels the staves (as default) as 1 and 2. Now, because of the preceding solos, there might be some ambiguity whether the numbers refer to divided part or two soloist on two different staves. For the part to be absolutely clear for the player, I’d prefer to have an option to indicate something like Tutti div. a 2 between the staves.

I suppose for the time being I’d have to use a workaround – text tool maybe? – to do this? Could any of you suggest a quick and practical solution? I’d need the text to be present both in the score and in the part.

(The same problem could perhaps arise also if the section is relatively small: depending on the context the players might wonder if the numbers mean a divided part part or individual players. Therefore, it could be practical – perhaps something for the later versions? – to have a “normal” div. and tutti div a 2 (/ div a3 / …) -options available in the divisi tool; the latter could then be used if there’s a possibility for misunderstanding.)

Sorry if this has already been covered earlier. All help and tips very much appreciated.