Prefer Simpler Chord With Altered Bass Note with m7 chords

Using MIDI keyboard input I need to enter F/G. Playing G-A-C -F gives me G9sus4. I went ahead and switched to Prefer Simpler Chord With Altered Bass Note in Note Input Options. But now when I play minor 7 chord (G-Bb-D-F) gives me Bb/G…
Is there a way to have 7th chords to be entered normally (Gm7) while having F/G type of chords using the MIDI input?
I know I can edit the chord. But are there any settings to have if done without editing chords manually?

Thank you!

See at min 3:00 is said that by re-straking the note on your MIDI keyboard (while holding the others notes of the Chord) you tell Dorico wich note is the fundamental of the Chord.

Thank you.
I am familiar with this video and the method. But it doesn’t work in my case.