Print options relationship


I’d like to understand better the relationship among the different options to print/export, in particular in Graphics mode. Changes don’t seem to be reflected in the interface and that makes me worried if the correct setting is ok, and I tend the re-check print/page settings all the times!

For example (export pdf):

  • in Setup the page size is 23 × 30,5 cm (652 x 865 points)
  • in print the page size menu is limited to the default options and doesn’t reflect my custom size (it would be great… but ok)
  • the exported file has the size defined in Setup (652 x 865 points)
  • changing, in Print, the page size to other sizes don’ t affect the final dimension, which remains 652 x 865 points
  • if I change sizes with the OS X dialogs (on the bottom left) the file has the corrected size only if I use the print dialog of the system; and that’s logical
  • if I change the orientation (to portrait) something happens and the document is always 40,47 × 30,52 cm (with any other size selected from the Page setup menu selected). Weird… following the logic it should be 30,5(2) x 23 cm…
  • coming back to portrait, the printed document is again 652 x 865 points (custom size 23 × 30,5 cm)

Changing the page size in Setup seems to freezes the dimensions, regardless of a new page setup defined in print->graphics.

Thanks for any hint/explanation.

Basically when you export graphics, the dimensions specified in the Page Setup page of Layout Options are always used, even though it looks like you can change the options in the print options panel under Page Setup. Perhaps we should hide those options when exporting graphics.

I support the hiddenness! The process would be without distractions/hesitations, in my opinion.

OT: your commitment and transparency are really amazing; therefore, my support to the growth of Dorico is total, for what it is worth.