Print to PDF - filename autogeneration

When working on a project with for a larger ensemble, I would like to print the score and parts to pdf and save each in a directory. When I do this, I am presented with a save-as dialog box for each file being generated. It doesn’t say which file (layout) it is printing. Multiply this by the number of layouts and it becomes easy to misname a file.

I would like a feature where I can select a filename mask to automatically name each file, eg
ProjectTitle + “-” + LayoutName.pdf or some other naming convention I could choose. Dorico could then go and generate my 20 or so files.

As long as you use Graphics Export and the Filename recipe, Dorico already does this.

Are you using some kind of Windows Print to PDF or similar? If so, don’t!

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Ah, I am using Windows Print to PDF - I didn’t know there were other options. I will explore Graphics Export. Thanks

Right from within the print dialogue in dorico, you can switch it at the top to export rather than print (upper right corner). You need to use Dorico’s native export function, and not the one baked into the system. Same goes for Mac, too.