Printing score paper

I am trying Dorico out at the moment and wondering why there doesn’t seem to be any way to create a template full score, with or without bar lines which can be printed out and used in the old fashioned way (i.e. a 2B pencil!). Thats how I like to work and then would use Dorico to make my neat copies. Does anyone know if its possible to do this and if not, whether a software upgrade is being considered?

If you want no barlines, you could use the fixed casting off options in Layout Options to force one bar per system, then add as many bars as you want pages. You will also find an option on the Players page of Layout Options, ‘Show bar rests in empty bars’: switch this off and the bars will be empty, and suitable for filling in with a pencil.

There are countless websites that allow you create manuscript paper. Here are three:

As far as I know, Dorico can’t easily do this. I don’t really understand why you’d want it to, given it takes less than a minute to search Google for manuscript paper…

Also, I don’t believe there’s any way to change the color of the staff lines in Dorico, right? I generally prefer grey, not black. There’s plenty of manuscript paper available online that has lighter staff lines.