Problem recording Groove Agent Modern Hip Hop Kit 5

Cubase Pro 11 Version 11.0.41

Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2

Intel Core i7-10700F
64Gb RAM

I’ve created an empy project and added an Instrument - Groove Agent SE01. I selected Modern Hip Hop Kit 5, and in the Pattern chose Beat 1 at Half Speed.

This is the first time I’ve used this particular kit, but I use Groove Agent all the time and with no problems at all.

However, when I try to record this Cubase doesn’t like it. The nearest I can think of is that it’s buffering or something, but essentially it plays the first couple of beats and then breaks down into a series of random noises, the transport marker stutters and doesn’t move, and the track is unplayable.

I guess if it’s just this particular kit and pattern I can manage, but my co-producer really likes the sound so if anyone has any ideas about what the problem might be, I’d be very interested. I haven’t changed the setup of my PC recently, except of course the usual system updates etc. I have tried deleting the project, rebooting the PC etc.

I tested that kit and that pattern at 1/2 time. it works on my end. what is the audio driver you are using and the project sample rate settings? does the problem also happen when you launch GA in standalone and try it? Perhaps try to reinstall GA sound content?

Thank you for testing that kit. The project sample rate is 44.1 kHz, 24 bit. The audio driver (assuming I’ve got the correct terminology) is Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO. I’m afraid that I don’t know how to “lauch GA in standalone” - that’s not something I’ve ever done.

No worries. Just was curious if it was an issue with asio4all drivers… Your specs seem fine.

You should be able to just open GA by finding the start up icon in program files and launching it. Then find that kit and see if it does the same thing.

I check it and its part of the Allan Morgan Siganture set. If its still giving you issues, maybe try launching Library Manager, click on Groove Agent, and then find that kit and reinstall the content. Its possible it might be corrupt.

Thank you - I’ll try this evening.