Problem with activation on another pc

I’m trying to activate Dorico 4.3 on a second computer but it says maximum limit of activations reached. Obviously I installed Doric only on a PC. What am I doing wrong?

What computers does it list in your online account page? E.g. this is what it looks like for me:

Also, what version of SAM are you running?

+1 I was just curious to find out what the maximum number of activations is? I own Dorico Pro 4

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says used on 3 computers but it’s strange because I don’t have 3 computers … I have 2 but I bought it today and I haven’t installed anything yet :sweat_smile: the version is I guess I have to disable one… but which one? they are all on the same pc… :man_shrugging:

There were some bugs in older versions of SAM which meant that plugging/unplugging a removable disk drive would cause it to be recognised as a new computer. It’s likely that that’s what’s happened here.

I checked the actual name of my PC from the system options, can I cancel one of the other two licenses at this point?

Yes, absolutely.