The X Touch One is equipped with a pre-defined integration based on the Mackie Control. It should be noted that the Mackie-based controls are not modifiable in this mode. However, users are able to make some customisations to the set of function keys.
In order to make use of the surface layers, it is necessary to switch the X Touch One to MIDI mode. To enable the desired mode, simply press the stop button in conjunction with the knob and select the required mode using the knob. It will be necessary to create the MIDI surface. It bears noting that this may not afford the same experience as that offered by the built-in Mackie mode. For example, transitioning the display to operate in MIDI mode is a significant undertaking, necessitating the use of raw, byte-based codes. Additionally, developing an integration bridge to facilitate communication with Cubase is a crucial step. Despite these considerations, X Touch One is a capable piece of hardware. For inspiration on how to use it for plugins, refer to the linked post below.
It is significant to note that the Mackie Control mode allows for the simultaneous use of surface layers.