I hope this makes sense, but I am stumped at 10 DOUBLE.dorico (602.5 KB)
trying to find a solution. What I want to accomplish is to have the “heading” (what you see at the top of the Dorico file when opened) read the SAME as how I am saving it. What happens is I see X IN X (I think “what I named it” in “title of the flow.”) In order to remedy, I have done all of these settings:
1 Removed title in the flow (blue box at bottom)
2 Layout/Flow - show flow headings - never
3 Project info - removed everything in Title as well as any title in the flow box below that
4 Engrave - removed title in “Default” page
5 Engrave - flow headings - title removed
Attached is the file. It might open with the heading the way I don’t want it because, and this is the problem, when I remove all the above flow titles, when I resave and REOPEN, it comes back with all that information that I deleted!
I am attaching the file, for which I only want the heading, when opened, to say 10 Double the way I saved it, and not 10 Double in 10 Double.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to anyone who can offer help!
Hi @violyn, what you are seeing in the window header is not the file name, but a description of what you are currently seeing on the screen:
If you see in your Project infos your Project title is 10 Double, and also the first Flow’s (the only one) title is 10 Double, but also his name is 10 Double.
“10 Double in 10 Double” that you see on the top of the window means: you are visualising the Flownamed “10 Double” that lives in the Projecttitled “10 Double”
Notice if you go in Engrave mode, you will see in the 1st page icon on the upper right a little red triangle. This shows that there is an override on the page (that is so not following the template anymore). Right click on the page icon and Remove page overrides. Edit instead the titles in your Project infos window, and not directly on the layout.
Thank you! I think I have understood that, however is there any way to NOT have the heading description say that, and only say what I named it? It seems to do that nicely (heading is JUST what I named it) for some of the same type of files, but in applying the same settings as the “good” files to the “bad” files it just doesn’t work for some files.
Couldn’t seem to get that to work either. I am attaching another file of the same kind, that DOES work, somehow, but these same settings don’t work for 10 double, so very perplexing. 02 DOUBLE.dorico (642.2 KB)
OMY, Janus, that worked! I have no idea WHY, but when I name it {@projectfilename!} that does work, since the other files that DO work do not have this (they have projectTitle). In both types, the Flow name has been deleted in every place, but I think what you said will work. Thank you.