Problem with the reproduced sound after "requantize"

It says in the manual that requantizing shouldn’t affect playback.
For me, this statement is only correct to a limited extent - only for the deviations compared to the quantization recorded directly during import, if and only as long as “keep deviations” is activated in the program settings.
In fact, requantization discards any manual playback start/end offset changes made after recording. In these (frequent) cases, a re-quantization has an influence on the playback, since it undoes changes to the playback without warning. This is problematic for me. Wouldn’t an option be useful here? What do you all mean?

Problem mit dem wiedergegeben Klang nach “neu quantisieren”

Es heißt im Manual, neuquantisieren sollte keinen Einfluß auf die Wiedergabe haben.
Diese Aussage ist für mich nur eingeschränkt korrekt - nur für die direkt beim Einspielen aufgenommen Abweichungen gegenüber der Quantiserung, wenn und nur solange in den Programmeinstellungen “abweichungen behalten” aktiviert ist.
Tatsächlich verwirft die Neuquantisierung aber alle nach der Aufnahme manuell vorgenommenen Änderungen der Wiedergabe- Start/End-Offsets. Ein neuquantisieren hat somit in diesen (häufigen) Fällen sehr wohl Einfluss auf die Wiedergabe, da sie Änderungen an der Wiedergabe ohne Warnung zurücknimmt. Dies ist für mich problematisch. Wäre hier nicht eine Option nützlich? Was meint Ihr?

This is a tricky problem to solve. Although some notes will remain in the same position and with the same duration after the requantize operation, there’s no guarantee that this will be the case. So Dorico would need to remember the pitch, position and duration of each note prior to the operation and keep track of whether or not a note with the same pitch, position and duration can be found after the operation, then re-apply those properties if so.

Excerpt from the DORICO manual:
“Requantizing notes
You can requantize notes using different quantization options. For example, if you want to
change notated rhythms after importing MIDI or recording notes using a MIDI device. This does
not affect the played duration of notes in playback.”

That is not right!

DORIVO definitely changes the played durations of notes upon requantization in that it silently discards any edits made to the played durations of notes after recording.

Ausschnitt aus dem DORICO-Manual:
“Requantizing notes
You can requantize notes using different quantization options. For example, if you want to
change notated rhythms after importing MIDI or recording notes using a MIDI device. This does
not affect the played duration of notes in playback.”

Das stimmt so nicht!

DORIVO ändert definitiv die gespielte Dauer von Noten bei einer Neuquantisierung insofern es alle nach der Aufnahme vorgenommenen Editierungen an der gespielten Dauer von Noten stillschweigend verwirft.

to me, the Dorico behaviour is what I’d expect. If I wanted to quantize, I’d do so immediately after a realtime record or MIDI import and then make any necessary further manual adjustments— it doesn’t really make much sense otherwise although strictly speaking, you are correct of course. Don’t know if others find the current situation problematic?

Incidentally it’s the first time I’ve been complemented on my “perfect musical imagination”, I think.

I know that in Cubase you can separately quantize the recorded MIDI notes and then also quantize the displayed notes in the Score Editor, i.e. these are two distinct steps.

Cubase names them MIDI Quantize and Display Quantize (I think) but I’m not sure IIRC.

In this sense, it doesn’t seem incorrect to say “you change notated rhythms without affecting the recorded playback”, but I can see how it can be confusing.

Dorico takes the original midi position and duration of the recording into account. Unfortunately, only the deviations edited afterwards are discarded or reset. That should not happen without an option, because
a new quantization of individual passages and the often strenuous close listening when editing longer passages is not always predictable and comprehensible for me in the chronological order, but creatively spontaneous.

Dorico berücksichtigt ja die original Midi-Position und Dauer der Aufnahme. Nur die nachher editieren Abweichungen werden leider verworfen bzw. zurückgesetzt. Das dürfte nicht ohne Option geschehen, denn
eine Neuquantisierung einzelner Stellen und das oft anstengende genaue Zuhören beim Editieren längerer Passagen ist für mich in der zeitlichen Reihenfolge nicht immer vorhersehbar und nachvolziehbar sondern kreativ spontan.

Let me describe the problem, trying to make it easier to understand.

The Requantize command in Dorico does two operations, but should do only one.

There are 2 quantization use cases. The most common one for this public will be to change the score. The less common use case will be to change the MIDI performance so it is more exact and less humanized.

Requantize, unfortunately, currently does both. It discards any edits done to note start and end times, then changes the notation.

If I want to quantize the notation only (keeping my MIDI edits), tough luck, Dorico doesn’t have a command to do that. However, if I want to quantize the MIDI (making it robotic), the Play menu has “Reset Playback Overrides”, which really means create a robotic performance from the notation.

Requantize currently conflates 2 different operations; that was a very bad design decision, one that must be corrected.

Instead of “Requantize”, 2 new commands should be offered: “Quantize MIDI” and “Quantize Notation”. And you can drop the Re- prefix from the verb, it is pedantic and unnecessary.