Problem with Track Montage (VST Live 1.4.13 ) - SOLVED!

I have a click track in the “Klick Aram” track. I copied the audio file from there into the “Klick Detlef” track so that I could extend the click track to the beginning of the song. To do this, I cut off a short piece of the copy of the click track. If I now try to align the copy track in “Klick Detlef” with the upper track and zoom in and out a little and scroll back and forth, the click distances (bar length) in the copy change. See the red and blue lines so that the copy no longer matches the original. I’ve tried this several times.

Please allow me to briefly criticize this: the manual alignment of audio tracks in the tracks is not well solved and is hardly possible manually if it needs to be precise. (Or I missed something in the operation)

I would suggest to use Groove agent: drop your click file on any pad and go to slice. There you can precisely define the start point of the slice and all slices will get placed in their own pad, there you can filter, pan, volume and then use a MIDI track to play the click pads.
Works like a charm!

Thanks for the suggestion, I could also prepare the click in Cubase. The point is that here in VSTLive there is a problem with copies of audio files in connection with the zoom in/out and scroll left/right and as users, we want these functions to work correctly so that we don’t have to rely on additional tools.

Hi @Detgyver,

I guess we need your project to analyse it. Or can you reproduce it with a simple project? Then “Menu / File / Save Archive…”. Zip the destination folder and send it to me. PM or Mail.

See you,

I made another attempt. The original click MP3 file was (heavily) shortened in another software and then the additional file was imported into an audio track using drag-n-drop. Then I used the zoom function to adjust the view so that I could synchronize the clicks with the drum click track and this also changed the new file so that the tack (bar length) no longer matched you can see it very clearly in the screenshot. Maybe the Zoom/Scroll-Functions are involved in this Problem???

I also tried moving the original click track (additionally imported) to the correct position ONLY with the Move function - without using the zoom function and then the error also occurs. The moved file changes its running time (bar length) and does not match the already contained (same) click track file.
At a loss!

@Spork this is also the same Project/Song

Did it match the tempo?

Ja das Tempo war auch nach dem Kürzen das gleiche.
Ich werde jetzt alle Dateien, die wir zu dem Song verwenden noch einmal neu anlegen (Stems exportieren) und dann mal testweise in Cubase 13 Pro montieren (vielleicht auch in Wavelab Pro 12) um sicher zu stellen, dass es nicht an den Dateien liegt. Ich kann mir das aber eigentlich nicht vorstellen. Ich habe mittlerweile 50+ Songs auf die Weise in VL erstellt und plötzlich tritt dieses Problem auf (bischen Zoomen bischen Links/rechts scrollen und schon ist der Takt ein anderer – ODER es liegt nur an der Darstellung des Clips. Ich richte die sichtbaren Taktschläge in den übereinander liegenden Tracks aus. So hat der Drummer einen durchgehenden Klick und ich als Bassis nur (bei Beggin) kurz einen separaten kurzen Einzähler.

Schönes Wochenende

VG Detlef

Problem found/solved!
I recreated the stems and aligned them to the tackt in VL so I could test the stems against the metronome. It turned out that the click track is inaccurate in the first few bars. Because I used exactly these bars for the short count-in for the bass, the problem arose. I did the same assembly in Cubase Pro 13 and got the same result here too. Since we work with click tracks, we don’t currently use the metronome in VL, but we will change that. So it’s not VL’s fault. I apologize for the effort and time you had to invest here trying to find an error that doesn’t exist. Sorry!

Schönes Wochenende!

… thank you for your feedback, @Detgyver. Yes, have a nice weekend, too.
