I use the x-Touch as a midi remote with the script cubase-mcu-midiremote from bjoluc
I have a problem. I have changed from Cubase 13.0.50 to Nuendo 13.0.50. I copied the script into the Nuendo folder for MIDI Remote.
It is also recognized. But all “ENCODER ASSIGN” buttons “First”, “PAN” “EQ”, “LAST”, “PLUG-INS”, “DYN” only work when you copy the script to the corresponding folder for the first time and start Nuendo.
If you close Nuendo and start it again, these buttons will no longer work.
The assigned function is displayed in the Midi Remote window in Nuendo and Nuendo also receives the Midi data, but on the X-Touch all functions of the “ENCODER ASSIGN” buttons are dead.
Even if you deactivate and reactivate the script, it does not work.