Problems with LFO destination assignment

Hello, I have created a simple Wavetable layer. I tried to assign LFO 1 to one of the Wavetable parameters but it looks like is not working, the assignment is completely ignored by Halion 7. Please see the attached mov.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Can anyone confirm? Because I can’t!
Mac or PC?
Does it effect only the Wavetable destintations or others as well?
Which version of HALion 7?
Standalone or as Plugin (which host) ?

Can you provide a HALion program preset?

best regards

Mac or PC?
MAC - OSX Ventura 13.6.7
Does it effect only the Wavetable destintations or others as well?
It looks like all other are working
Which version of HALion 7?
Latest version 7.0.20
Standalone or as Plugin (which host) ?
BOTH, Logic Pro 11

Another video of the problem:

Hi StringAudio
Now I’m able to reproduce it here. Its now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID “HALLY-10721”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.

Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge

Hello thanks, I hope a new version is coming soon to fix this bug and several other bugs that are still unfixed, but honestly I don’t have too much hope. I reported exactly 1 year ago a bug with the XY pad (HALLY-10156) and It’s still unfixed…

Hello, any news about this bug fix? This looks to be “pretty big”, really hope you can fix it soon. Thanks