Project composer and arranger not appearing in the score

I am having trouble adding the arranger and the composers to the score and parts. Here is the project info. I input the same info into the flow.

and here is the first page of the score.

Is this layout using the Default Full Score page template set? What does the First page template in that set look like? If you want to display the composer’s and arranger’s names, it should have text frames that include the tokens {@projectComposer@} and {@projectArranger@}.

this is a screenshot form the default full score

Yes, the page template labeled First is the First Page Template, but your image seems to be highlighting the Default Page rather than the First Page Template, and your earlier image seems to be using the Default page rather than the First.

Be sure you do not have an override (red triangle in the corner of the page avatar in the top right of Engrave mode) or some other (green) indication of a template override.

Also check that your Layout Options specify to use the First Page template whenever a new flow starts at the top of a page.

The fastest way to a solution would be to post a Dorico file containing just the page you have shown above.


Thanks for the advice. In the layout option I used first flow only on the Use First page template for the score and parts. The composers and arranger are now there.