Project Info page question

Why don’t the fields I fill in on the project info page ( Composer, arranger etc.) show up on the score and all of the parts automatically. Also what is the significance of the “@” and the “{” signs?

Because you have not included their tokens (those things enclosed by {@ … @} signs) in your page templates.

I don’t follow

The page templates determine how your music is laid out on each page. They can include various items from the project info, which can show things like titles, subtitles, composers etc., but only if you explicitly include them as tokens (A token has the format {@…@})

  • Enter: “Daniel is great” into the Project Title field in Project Info,

  • Enter: {@projecttitle@} into the Page Template:

  • “Daniel is great” will appear.

  • Instead, enter: projecttitle into the page template: “projecttitle” will appear.

I was sent a video on how to do this . I’m going to watch it and hope that clears this up for me. Coming from Finale I find certain things in Dorico VERY confusing and tedious. Thanks for your help.

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Well, I was able to get the title to show up by entering {@projectTitle@} on the score template. But {@projectComposer@} and {@projectArranger@} don’t show up when I enter those on the parts template.


Can you screenshot your Project Info dialog?

And your Page Template setup?

Just checking: have you entered the information in the Flow Composer or the Project Composer?

Not sure what “flow composer” and “project composer” are. Here are screen shots

Oh! I entered the information in Project Composer - Just found that

I just entered the information in both the project and flow composer - got nothing

Can you upload the empty project?

What do you mean by “empty project”?

The project that you’re having the issues with, delete all bars, save, and attach it to a post.

ok - will do soon - have to eat dinner now. Thanks for your patience

Sorry, one last thing to check. You may have a Page Template Override.

This means you’ve made a change to the actual page rather than the template that it uses. If you have done this, any changes you make to the template won’t have any effect.

The screenshot you provided above shows the left variant of the page template, but the chances are that the first page of your project is page 1, which will need the right variant (think of a book - the first page is effectively on the right hand side). Did you ensure that the tokens you added are also on the right page variant (which is in the same place you took your screenshot, but to the right of it)? Note that there’s a handy button at the top of the page template editor for copying stuff from left to right.

THAT WAS IT! I cleared the overrides and was able to get it the way I want. Thank you for your time and your help. I must say however, I find Dorico MUCH more confusing (unnecessarily?) than Finale. It’s a bummer that Finale is shutting down. I will, however, keep plodding through to learn this program.

Thanks again.

Thanks for your suggestion. As it turns out I had overridden some pages unknowingly. It was suggested that I clear overrides and that did the trick.