Is it possible to cancel post-process events in the logical editor should the event events not fire off due to conditions not being met?
For example, lets say my condition is “Track Type: Audio” and I have an event that says “Track Operation → Mute”, and a post process command: “Lock/Unlock Track”
If the track I have selected is NOT an Audio track, the post process still executes and Locks the track. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? i.e. Can I force the logical editor to exit at the event instead of continuing to the post-process?
What I’m actually trying to do is Lock group tracks after creating them (so that it removes the automation line from the arrangement window). What I do currently is use a macro that 1) Creates a group track & routes selected audio to it then 2) Locks the selected track(s). By default, after creating a group track, Cubase automatically selects only the new group track (deselecting the previous tracks) and then when the “Lock selected track” triggers, it just so happens to Lock the group track.
An issue arises when I cancel the group creation, such that Cubase will end up locking all of the tracks I selected to group instead of just cancelling the macro entirely.
So basically what I wanted to do was create a logic preset that would lock the track if and only if it is a group track that is selected. Unfortunately, there is no logical Track Operation → Lock Track, so I was hoping to work around this using the Post-Processing option of the Logic Processor.
I think I understand but not 100% sure. Anyway, here’s how this might work.
We prepare a PLE for appending a (Selected) tag to the names of the selected tracks (no matter if they’re group or not.
Then, a PLE for deselecting all selected tracks that are not groups. In this PLE we add as a Pre-Process Command, the PLE we created in the first step. In its Post-Process Commands, we first add the Edit→Lock/Unlock Track and then the following two PLEs (3 & 4).
This PLE is for re-selecting the previously selected track based on the (Selected) tag we gave them.
And this one is for restoring the original names by removing the tag (Selected).
Again, not sure if this would do the job (and if these steps could be simplified further), but it might help. I know it gets complicated, and I think your feature request would be useful in situations like this.
Not quite; the main goal is the creation of a group track. What you’ve proposed will be functionally identical to what my macro does since the group does not exist when I run the macro.
What I am doing is exploiting Cubase’s behavior - the fact that it automatically selects the newly created group - in order to run the lock command on the correct target. (Try running the command “Mixer - Add track to Selected: Group Channel” to see what I mean).
Unfortunately, if the target is not created (i.e. you click cancel on the “group creation” dialog), the original selected tracks remain selected, and any post-process commands will be run on those, resulting in the same function as my macro (locking the audio/instrument tracks).
Again it’s not a big deal, but I tend to forget I did that and then wonder why I cannot move some audio/midi tracks around later
But yeah, bailing on the post-process commands or simply adding a track operation “Lock” would resolve the issue, and probably prove beneficial for other uses as well.