Project logical editor misbehaving - or, am I losing my mind?

I set up some logic to disarm any track that isn’t selected. I think this is how the editor should look, and the highlighted track is the only one I would expect to be disarmed…

but when I run it, all tracks are being disarmed, including the selected ones:

am I doing something wrong, or is this just not working for some reason?

Confirmed, and only for audio tracks.


create many audio tracks
Enable Record on all
Select a portion of the tracks
invoke PLE Preset:

Result- command is applied to all tracks, selected or not.

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well, I’m happy to know I haven’t lost my mind (at least not as it relates to this) :sweat_smile: - sent Steinberg support a bug report. thanks for confirming!

Yes, I see it too… Seems like the not(isSelected) is the issue.

As a workaround, here’s a PLE that may work:

The idea is to first disarm everything, and then arm the selected tracks. This one seems to work here.


whatever you say. lol

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Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.


this is a great idea…haven’t really tried the pre and post-process commands yet, so this is a good opportunity. going to try shortly. thanks!

ah, on second thought, I don’t think that’s going to work for me…it does exactly what I implied I needed in the context of the single PLE action I posted, but I forgot to mention I needed it to specifically leave the state of already-armed+selected tracks alone…

what I’m working on is a two-part macro that will allow me to…

macro part one (this PLE effort):

  • select one or more tracks
  • clear the armed status of any that aren’t selected
  • if any tracks selected are armed, they remain armed
  • if any tracks selected are unarmed, they remain unarmed

macro part two:

  • toggle the arm state of any selected tracks

the desired end result should be that anything not selected is no longer armed, and anything that is selected will be in the opposite arm state to what it was. I will play around with the pre and post process commands to see if I can figure something else out.


What about the following Macro then:

  • Edit > Invert Selection
  • PLE: Disable Arm of Selected Tracks
  • Edit > Invert Selection

I was certain this would work, but for some reason it disarms everything * and seems to deselect everything before it gets to the second selection inversion. so I end up with no armed tracks, and nothing selected. :exploding_head:

*except for this specific track for some reason:

when I slow it down (triggering each step with shortcuts via stream deck, but adding delays in between the steps), it looks like that guitar track is the only thing being treated as selected. weird stuff…

Ah, I understand now.

This can be accomplished using 3 PLEs (with no logic optimization) and all set to “transform”.

Preset 1: Alter the names of the selected tracks by prepending something. I chose the key (sel) for this.

Preset 2: Set all tracks that do not contain in their names this key (sel) to arm-disabled

Preset 3: Restore the name of the selected tracks by removing the key (sel) and then toggle their arm state.

Preset 1 screenshot:

Preset 3 screenshot:

And the Preset 2 screenshot, where we set Preset 1 as a Pre-Command and Preset 3 as a Post-Command:


this is brilliant–and it works! thank you!