Project Synchronization Window

I recently had my Cubase Artist 7.5 up graded to Cubase 7.5 works great except in project window open under Transporter tab in ”Project synchronization Setup” select the dialog window to configure I can’t get to bottom of window to click ok to save configurations. This is the only dialog box or window with this problem. If you right click at top of window setting is inoperative move and close is only works.
My window display resolution Is set at 1366 x 768 which is recommended. So what is the problem?
my e-mail is:

I wondered that myself. It is workable on my main studio system monitor
(1920 X 1080) but impossible to use on my laptop.

Consistency in look and function isn’t a strong point at the moment.
Try using the project window in full screen mode, then create a fade using the handles.
Now double click the fade to change its shape. Oops.
Many other windows will also take you out of full screen mode as well.
Seems it has been like this for a very long time.

In your case, with the window going off screen, there should be scroll bars
that present themselves. No?