Project window toolbar: missing items?

I recently got Cubase 14 Elements (for Windows 11) and am finding the help ( to be atrocious. In only a few days I’ve found tons of errors. (It looks like it was redesigned in June; I think they introduced many mistakes.) Recently I was reading about “nudge,” and the help says that it is on the Project Window Toolbar after “play,” “color,” and “color menu” (and before “snap to zero crossing”):

However, while my Project Window Toolbar has “play,” “color,” and “color menu,” the next item is “snap to zero crossing.” Nudge seems to be missing:

  1. Does anyone know why that is and if I can regain that button in my toolbar?

  2. Under “Moving Events with the Nudge Buttons,” the help says that “You have activated the Nudge section in the Project window toolbar” is a “prerequisite.” Is there really no other way to move events with nudge? If not, and I can’t get it on my toolbar, then I guess I might be screwed.

  3. Is there any better help than the website, or am I stuck with this? (I can post that as a separate question if it’s too off-topic.) Thank you.

Right-click in an empty area of the toolbar and check the Nudge box:

Then click or drag the little divider (orange below) to reveal the tools:


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Thank you! I wish the help would tell you how to make things appear when they don’t show up. In some places it does that, in some places it doesn’t, and it’s often not intuitive (and it’s not easy to search for things like this in the help document). This is great to know.

I agree that the revamped online help, while comprehensive, doesn’t actually help that much, but at least you tried there first! After that, you could try a search on this forum to see if your query has already been answered, and if not, start a new thread here.

In fairness to the online help, a search for “Project Window Toolbar” brings up this link where the second sentence is “To show/hide tools, right-click an empty area of the toolbar and activate the tools that you want to display” – which is great if you already know that what you’re looking for is contained in that section and you already know that the setting you want is not visible by default.

A search for “Nudge” however, returns nothing useful, or rather, amongst the 31 results currently returned, you need to get to number 11 before you’re even in the right area, then scroll down half a dozen pages to find what you’re looking for – which, as you’ve seen, you then can’t find in the application if you’ve already missed the bit telling you how to make the Nudge setting visible, which you in turn did not know was defaulting to being not visible!