Most of my pieces are transcriptions of baroque pieces. Baroque composers loved Rondeaux. With a refrain section A, and verses B C … a rondeau can have 3 forms
ABAC… open
ABAC…A closed
Unless the composer had fun varying the repetitions of the refrain, the score can be written:
and annotated with adequate repeat signs. I seem to have a problem trying to write a closed form rondeau the way I did in Finale:
The final backward barline should create a closed form. But obviously the playback system judges the repeat structure invalid and plays back without repeats. So I try to add an extra region:
This time the playback is perfect. But there is this weird empty measure at the end (of course I can make it disappear with unmentionable techniques ).
Is there a problem inherent to this version? On the other should the first version have worked, but it conflicted with some validity criterium of playback? The signposts highlight the fact that all 5/8 bar pieces have a “6/8, 5” meter spec. I also gave the last 1/ bar piece a “6/8,1” meter spec. And (now!) I see such a spec just before the 1st ending (did I specify that? I do not remember). But the 1/8 bar piece before the 2nd ending lacks the signpost. Does it mean that 1/8 piece is structurally different? When I specified the 5/8 pieces other than the pick up, I naively assumed that the remaining 1/8 pieces would be automatically managed. Should I have added that spec? And might that be the reason of the playback invalidity? But it seems that in that case the 2nd version would have suffered from the same problem.
I will attach the project for the first version Test0.dorico (740.9 KB)
in the hope something can be deduced from it.
Apologies for adding a reply to a well solved topic , but I discovered a remaining problem. What I sent you was an abbreviated of the real piece, so I replicated your solution in the real piece, and the playback acknowledged the repeats. But on the first trial, at the end the playback did not stop on Fine and replayed the last ending once more. I started to compare the two score, and I saw that I had attached the Fine marker to the following barline, while you apparently attached to the last note. I was surprised because I thought I would need attaching to the bar not to lose the music before, but I tried it. And the playback did not go on past the Fine, but indeed my last node was not heard. Still, in your score it was, which perplexed me. Then, after I set `Show playhead when playback has stopped:, I noticed a difference. First your score:
Then mine:
The 2 Fine were attached differently. Then I noticed that your rhythmic resolution was the sixteenth note wile mine is the eighth! This explained everything, but I would guess that in your score the playback plays only half the last note?
This is not really a problem for me, I only use playback for a proofreading check, and the printed score does not reveal anything. But is not that a kind of sleight of hand to cover a lack? It would seem more logical to me to have Fine attached to the barline and work. As I said this is not a problem, and the topic remains closed (since you had provided the solutions to the 2 problems ) but I wanted your advice on this.
Thanks again